Religious Grooming
It is quite essential for a Muslim to spend his 24 hours life according to the commandments of Allah and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). His way of sitting, walking, eating, talking, day-to-day matters, praying and dealing should never be against Shariah. For learning all this it is quite necessary to devise a grooming plan and training course that can make the students ideologically strong, so that they can keep themselves away from the evil practices of contemporary age and enable them to take their responsibility in the guidance of their religion. We have allocated a regular period for Islamic grooming so that the relevant teachers can focus on religious and moral grooming of students with full concentration. There is a proper syllabus for this purpose that includes:
y basic elements of
Imaniyat: Iman-e-Mufassal and other compulsory basic elements of faith. Ibadat: Five obligatory elements of worship Salah, Soum etc and all important matters related to Islam. Taharat (Purification): Ablution, taking bath and relevant matters.
Supplication taught by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) for all occasions. MoralValues and Manners: Concept of good and bad manners Social Values and Norms: Rights of parents and other relations. Manners of eating, sleeping and greeting etc. Other Matters: including matters of buying and selling debt, borrowing etc. Life history of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) from birth to death. Miscellaneous: Problems and matters related to present age, temptation and trials and the ways to keep away from them.
Nazra Quraan
We firmly believe that the Holy Quran is a system of life, its recitation, comprehension and application in all walks of life is a source of success in both worlds. It is the only way of salvation. Allah Almighty has given us three sources of seeking knowledge i.e five senses, wisdom and revelation. Though our five senses and intellect, our wisdom are a great source of learning but their scope is limited if they are left without the guidance of revelation they will astray us, unfortunately our educational institution & society at large lack this highly important element and the loss of this is evident.
Tajweed: The recitation of Holy Quran with correct pronunciation is basic and foremost in learning of the Quran. So keeping in view all these important facts, we have made special arrangements for teaching Nazra and every student is supposed to recite the Holy Quran with correct
Nazra Salybus:
Class 1st to 5th In this section focus is mainly on reading, writing, speaking and comprehending abilities and that children are not over-burdened with unnecessary subjects.
- Play Group: Complemental age of Qaida is 5 to 6 years. During this class student will have to learn Qaida 1 hour in a day.
- Class 1st: Age limit (6-7 years) 30th Para will be completed at this level and last 10 Surahs will be taught and student will learn them by heart with correct pronunciation.
- Class 2nd: Three Paras will be taught
- Class 3rd: Six Paras will be taught
- Class 4th: Ten Paras will be taught
- Class 5th: Last ten Paras and completion of the whole Quran
- Class 6th: Last 14 part of 30th Para will be learnt by the students.
- Class 7th: Surah Yaseen and Surah Mulk will be learnt by heart by the students.
- Class 8th: Revision and Quran that is recited in pråkdre learnt by the students.
Hifz Sylabus:
Class 1st to 5th In this section focus is mainly on reading, writing, speaking and comprehending abilities and that children are not over-burdened with unnecessary subjects.
- 1-Student of grade II will read Noorani Qaida and one or two Paras in one year.
- 2-When the student will start Hifz in grade III, he will have to learn five Paras during first year.
- 3- In the second year he will learn 7 Paras in the following order:
1st Para within two months.
2nd Para within 1 month 25 days.
3rd Para within 1 month 20 days.
Then 4th Para within 1.5 month's time and lesson will be off during the last fifteen days.
- 4-In the 3rd year, 8 Paras will be completed and each Para will take time of one and a half month (1.5 months).
- 5-In the 4th and last year, last 10 Paras will be completed and the remaining time will be allocated for revision and federal exams (Wifaq-ul-Madaris).
- 6-An average and hardworking student can easily complete his Hifz-ul-Quran, if he is regular throughout this period.